Sometimes, we need to provide access to someone so that he/she can access the mailbox of someone else's mailbox. We can use Manage Full Access Permission Wizard to provide this level of access. Below are the steps required to grant mailbox access permissions:-
1. Open the Exchange Management Console.
2. Right click the mailbox you want to work with and then select Manage Full Access Permission.
3. In the Manage Full Permission wizard, click Add and then use the Select User or Group dialog box to choose the user/s that should have access to this mailbox.
We can also use Cmdlets to grant or revoke Full Access permissions.
Adding full access permissions
Add-MailboxPermission -Identity UserBeingGrantedPermission -User UserWhoseMailboxIsBeingConfigured -AccessRights 'FullAccess'
Add-MailboxPermission -Identity 'CN=Rose Mary,OU=Sales,DC=Techpeoples,DC=net' -User 'TECHPEOPLES\mike' -AccessRights 'FullAccess'
Removing full access permissions
Remove-MailboxPermission -Identity 'UserBeingGrantedPermission' -User 'UserWhoseMailboxIsBeingConfigured' -AccessRights 'FullAccess' -InheritanceType 'All'
Remove-MailboxPermission -Identity 'CN=Rose Mary, OU=Sales,DC=Techpeoples,DC=net' -User 'TECHPEOPLES\mike' -AccessRights 'FullAccess' -InheritanceType 'All'
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